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Certified Consultant


My Story

Where to start... I first heard of Scentsy through a family member, who wanted me to try a new wax warmer because the one's I had were just not reliable. The wax wouldn't melt, the scent didn't last long, the bulbs kept going out; Suffice to say I was fed up and willing to try anything. I did, and I never went back to the others! A few months later on down the road and I had began to want to work again, but not the crazy hours I worked while in other jobs. I wanted to make my own hours, and be able to spend time with my husband, and go to our families functions, and other jobs did not offer me that perk. I started selling Scentsy and I continued to sell on and off for the last few years. While I do have a full time job, Scentsy is still my top job, and it will always be for me. The quality of the products, the sheer amount of resources that are provided so that I can grow my business, have always made the choice easy. I am well on my way to paying off several of my bills that helps decrease my debt and again, I get to spend time with my husband.

SO why do I sell scentsy? I sell it because I firmly believe that the products are top notch , I love my home smelling wonderful, I want to decrease my debt, and last but not least, I WANT TO SUPPORT MY HABIT!! LOL! Being a college student was expensive, having a new car is expensive, and unfortunately credit card debt is very real. Some times a steady full time job is just not enough of an income and you have to get a second job. Again, Scentsy to the rescue! Being in direct sales offers me an opportunity to not only build my own path to a better way of life, but also a chance to offer others an opportunity to try the products that I can stand behind 100%! So, is this another bandwagon to just jump onto? NO!! The waxes are simple, safe, and smell wonderful! The warmers are safe, there is no flame to have your children burn themselves on, and I know I can decorate a room and find a warmer to match.

So here is my question to you..... Do you want to change your life? Do you want products you can depend on? If the answer is yes to any of these questions... Contact me, I can help!

What's warming in my home